Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thomas's Homecoming

A few weeks ago, we went to the Har-Ber Homecoming Pep Rally. No, not because we wanted to "relive the glory days", but because we got to watch Thomas VanBebber walk a homecoming maid in the ceremony. He is a Senior this year and is excited to graduate. Not to mention, he looked SUPER handsome. Above are a few pictures of Thomas, I am not sure why my camera was acting up, but they are a little dark. We also go to see Sarah, Shaun and the whole VanBebber clan. Thank you, Thomas, for letting us be a part of this exciting day with you. We are so proud of you! We also go to see Sarah Fries, who teaches at Har-Ber High and is one of Thomas's teachers.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Just Hanging Out

It has been a LOOONNNGGG time since I posted anything. We have been busy, and there just hasn't been too much going on. We are all doing well and the girls are getting bigger and more sassy every day! Emma is starting Pre-K early. We are so proud of her. She is getting SO smart. She is excited to "live in the Pre-K class". I am proud, but have a little part of me that is so sad. She was my baby and it all grown up. To top it all off, Hannah has moved up a class too! I just can't handle anymore change! :) They are both doing well. Travis and I are doing great too.