I understand that you have an opinion as does everyone else in the world. You have been taking the time to leave not-so-nice comments on several of my posts, present and past. So, I thought I would respond, (which I cannot do in a private setting as I have no way to contact you!).
- I am not too young to have three children. Am I young? Yes. Does that mean I am any less of a mother than some of the older parents? No way!
- Just because I took pictures of my girls bickering rather than break it up, does not make me a bad mother. I feel that there is a time to intervene and a time to work out their differences among themselves. No one was being hurt in any way, so I let them work it out.
- If you are going to comment on my blog and judge my parenting skills, please do not do it anonymously. If you have the nerve to write what you did about me and my parenting, leave your name.
- If you don't like how my husband and I conduct our family, DON'T READ MY BLOG! This is a virtual scrapbook of sorts for my family and friends.
- And, one more thing, I do love my girls more than anything. But, I feel this is a place to be honest and true. Life is not always smiles and giggles. If you say yours is, you are lying to yourself and others.
So, Anonymous Commenter, I deleted your comments. I don't feel they something that I want to be on my blog. Have a nice day! We sure will in our house...although, I am SURE there will be some fighting amongst the girls. (I might even argue with my husband about what's for dinner! OH THE HORROR!)
Yours truly,