Thursday, October 29, 2009

3 Months (5 days ago)

Sweet Catherine Grace turned 3 months old on the 24th. She is getting SO big and fat...I just love her!

On the 23rd, we were playing with her on the floor and she just rolled right over.

Here is a list of what she is doing these days:
  • She is constantly smiling and squeezing out some little giggles.
  • One of her bottom teeth finally broke through. (the other one she was born with is still right under the gum)
  • She is taking 6 oz every 4 hours
  • Catherine wears a size 2 diaper
  • She can roll from her tummy to her back
  • She sleeps from 7pm to 7am every night
  • She LOVES her bumbo chair and to sit up like a big girl. If she isn't sitting up straight, she will lean so hard to try to sit up.
  • She will follow her sisters across the room with her eyes (I think this is for protection for what crazy things they might be doing to her).
  • Catherine loves bath time. It's so funny to watch her wriggle down in her tub so her little chin is even down in the water. (It scares me though!)
Catherine is by far the happiest babies I have ever seen. She rarely gets mad or upset, but if she does...LOOK OUT! Its amazing how quickly she is growing up. Her sisters adore her and want to hold her all.the.time! We love you, Catherine!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Last week, I was in LA for business from Monday thru Thursday. Travis took such good care of the girls while I was gone.

I got home late Thursday night. Friday morning, we got up and got the kids to school. He left mid-day to go hunting because...well...he earned it!

Friday night, the girls and I headed to Hot Springs. I was EXHAUSTED. But, of course, my mom and dad got up with the girls Saturday morning and let me sleep. I slept until 9:30! It was so nice. We spent the day watching football, eating and napping.

Saturday night, mom, Emma and I headed to Little Rock for the MILEY CYRUS CONCERT (insert scream here.)! We ate at Macaroni Grill. It was yummy. We ordered smothered chocolate cake for desert. My mom and I got two bites each and the rest was demolished by Emma!

We couldn't take our cameras into the concert, but let me tell you...there were a BAZILLION 5-10 year olds running around screaming, jumping, going crazy for Miley. Emma was right along with them. She had SO much fun. (I have never felt so OLD in my life!).

While we were gone, my dad kept Catherine and Hannah. They were going to carve a pumpkin, but when my dad got Catherine to sleep and Hannah bathed, Hannah said "I just wanna go to bed, Daddy Brooks." So, they laid down in his bed and feel sweet!

Sunday, we got up and headed home. Travis's birthday was Sunday, but he chose to hunt a little later than usual (which was just fine with me). So, we gave him his gifts and cake on Monday night. Emma got Travis a Razorback pullover. Hannah got him the Band of Brothers series and I got him a cake. We had already taken him shopping for TONS of new hunting stuff, so his birthday gifts were few and far between.

The quote of the week comes from Hannah. We were eating dinner for Travis's birthday and the conversation went like this:

Emma: How old are you, Daddy?
Travis: How old do you think I am?
Emma: 17?
Hannah: NUH UH! HE'S 8! HE'S 8, EMMA!

Little Banana boat was certain that her Daddy was 8 years old and no one will tell her any differently!

It has been wild and crazy around my house and I have been such a bad family photographer lately! But, we have Halloween this weekend and family pictures. So, don't give up on me yet!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Late Blogging...AGAIN!

Yes yes...I realize that I am going to lose my TONS of loyal readers if I don't become a better blogger.

But, in my defense, I was in LA all week last week. Travis's birthday was Sunday. I took Emma to the Miley Cyrus concert on Saturday and Catherine turned 3 months on Saturday.

So, stay tuned for TONS of fun pictures and a post dedicated to each fun event!

**Yes, Travis took care of THREE girls all by himself while I was gone and did an AMAZING job! YAY Travie!

Monday, October 19, 2009

What have we been up to?

Cheering on the hogs...

Enjoying a night out at a friend's wedding...

Watching Ashton's football games..

We will now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging.

(Full of pictures and stories. YAY!)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Best Day

We have been so busy having so much fun lately...doing ABSOLUTELY nothing in our house! I have some pictures, but I can't find my camera battery charger, so I can't upload them right now.

However, as you all know, WE LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT in our house. There is a song that she sings called "Best Day" on her current CD. It is the absolute sweetest song ever. Everytime I listen to it, I tear up in hopes that I share each moment with my girls so they remember it the way she does in the song with her mom.

So, today, I was aimlessly searching the internet and thought I would post the video. MELT.MY.HEART!

Here it is. Emma, Hannah, and Catherine, I love you girls SO much!