Thursday, October 28, 2010


...if I do say so myself! :)

15 Months Skinny

Again with the time travel....

(Don't worry...this should be it!)

Catherine turned 15 months on the 24th. We took a visit to Dr. L on the 25th.

It was a pretty good visit. He told me what I already knew...she is SKIN-NY! She only weighs 19 lbs (5th percentile) and is 31 1/4 inches long (60th percentile). So, of course, I felt like a bad mom. But, we talked about her eating habits. She snacks all day long. She also carries around a cup of milk all day. But, she doesn't eat much at meals.

Dr. L said that we should not stop her from eating small portions throughout the day, as this is a very healthy habit. But, since she isn't eating much at meals, I can't let her have her cup during the day. (this has been TOUGH!). We are also adding Carnation Instant Breakfast to her milk at meals. So far, this has really seemed to help. She is eating more at meals and has already gained 4 ounces.

On to the happy stuff!

  • pillow fights
  • wallowing on anyone who will let her
  • telling her sisters "NO-NO"
  • climbing on everything
  • dancing
  • corn
  • singing
  • slashing in the tub
  • being held
  • mac n' cheese
  • Emma
  • Hannah
  • being thrown up HIGH
  • spaghetti
  • playing outside
  • jumping on the trampoline/bed/couch
  • peas
  • sitting down in the tub
  • being told "NO-NO"
  • coming inside
  • sitting in her highchair
  • when Mommy leaves the room
  • not having her cup all day
  • roast
  • being put down
  • when her sisters lock her out of their room
  • strangers
  • pickles
Catherine is still carrying her baby and sucking that thumb. But, if you ask me, she is growing up WAY too fast. She is at such a FUN stage (very challenging to keep out out of things!).

Now...what you all scrolled past my post to see...NEW PICS OF CATHERINE GRACE!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Birthday fun

...with no pictures of the birthday boy! OOPS!

Nevertheless, let's time travel again...

Travis's birthday was the 25th. We started celebrating on Saturday. The girls and I woke up and cooked him a special birthday breakfast of this awesome colored pancakes.

(I stole the idea from Angela and it was SO fun!)

We spent the rest of the day just playing and watching football. We seriously did NOTHING else. Saturday night, we took him out to eat at Las Fajitas (Hannah picked the place...not sure why since it was HIS birthday). It was chaos. It's ALWAYS chaos when we go to dinner.

Sunday afternoon, Travis's mom came over and brought him some birthday gifts. Then, she watched the girls for a couple of hours, while Travis and I went shopping and ate lunch together (with a little less chaos).

Monday was Travis's actual birthday. It was a work day...YUCK! But, I left early to pick up his birthday cake. He actually ended up working late. So, I fed the girls and bathed them before he got home. Catherine went to bed because she was sleepy...and grouchy!

When Travis got home, we did his birthday in reverse. The girls and I sang to him and let him blow out his candles. Then, they ate some cake. After we watched Travis open his gifts, the girls went to bed. Travis and I ate steak and baked potatoes for dinner.

Even though his actual day was pretty hectic, I know he had a great birthday.

Travis, I love you so much. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. The girls and I would be lost without you, the man in our lives. You are a wonderful father and husband. Love, Boni

Lots to catch up on...

I am VERY behind on my blog. So, in attempt to catch up, let's all just close our eyes and transport ourselves to two weekends ago...

It was the opening weekend of muzzle-loading season (I know...gag!). So, Travis went to spend the weekend at his deer lease.

The girls and I packed up and hit the road for none other than, Hot Springs. We hadn't been in a while and it seemed like as good of a weekend as any to go. Plus, we had to go check on Daddy Ben after his surgery! (He is doing great..."running" around like a 50 year old!)

The trip down there was...eventful. We got to about Waldron and Catherine had a HUGE blow out. Poop everywhere. I got her changed and cleaned up. We got back on the road in about 10 minutes, with our windows down to air out the car!

We go through Y-City and it is VERY curvy from there to Hot Springs. It never fails, when I drive, one of the girls gets car sick. (No comments on the driving, please. In the words of Rain Man "I'm a very excellent driver") This trip was no different. About 30 minutes from Hot Springs, Hannah spewed all over the back seat. So, again, I got her changed and cleaned up. And, again, we were back on the road in 10 minutes, windows down! :)

Finally, we arrived. We had pizza. Daddy Brooks gave the girls a bath. Honey brushed every one's hair. Then, we all played and acted crazy for the camera. The girls are ALWAYS so excited to see them and so am I!

Saturday, we took the girls to Magic Springs. When I was a kid, it was this one-step-up-from-a-small-town-fair amusement park. I was pleasantly surprised to see all the fun rides and things to do there. It was a lot like Silver Dollar City and the girls had SO much fun! Daddy Brooks got on any ride the girls asked him to. He even got in the smallest train ever to make them happy. I was dying laughing! My mom and I even rode a crazy, looping, cork-screwing roller coaster. By the end of the day, we were all worn out.

We headed back to my parents to watch the Razorback game (on DVR). Jon and Nicole came over and after the game was "over", we all went out to eat.

Sunday morning, we went to church and out to breakfast with GrandDa and Daddy Ben. The girls looked too cute and acted so good in "big church". We really enjoy getting to go to church with my grandparents and parents.  (But, I did NOT take a single picture!)

After church, the girls and I made the dreaded drive home. We had a fun, relaxing weekend!

(Please come back tomorrow to continue this time warp with Travis's Birthday!)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Razorbacks and Pumpkins

This weekend, we had a very Autumn-y weekend.

Saturday, we got all geared up to watch the Hogs. While the game was pretty sloppy, a win is a win. Here are my sweet girls looking just pretty in their football attire. (outfits courtesy of The Uptown Baby).

After the game, we loaded up and headed to the Brown's. It was SUCH nice weather. We sat on the porch watched the kids and dad's roast hot dogs in the fire, ate chili and drank some YUMM-O Sangria. The kids played with flashlights and the babies watched. Finally, it was time for some S'mores. Rachel had the best idea. Instead of using candy bars, she (actually, Amy, since she was closest to the fire!) smeared Nutella on the graham crakers. The kids LOVED them! A good time was had by all. (I'll update with pictures once I kidnap them from Rachel, since I never took my camera out!)

Sunday, we did the usual, house cleaning and grocery shopping. After everyone (except ME!) napped, we we to the pumpkin patch. We went to this cool new pumpkin patch where the corn maze was in the shape of a razorback! There was also a hay ride, a cow train, a couple goats and pigs and, of course, the pumpkin patch.

We all had a great time. I held our spot in line for the cow train (which was about a 30 minute wait!), while Travis took the girls into the pen with the goats and pigs. OH MY! It's a good thing they weren't born on a farm, because none of them were too fond of the animals. (Travis had the camera with him for pictures and no one has ever accused him of being a professional...or even good at getting pictures!)

Finally, it was Emma and Hannah's turn on the cow train. They were super excited.

Travis, Catherine and I stayed behind and went back into the pen to check out the goats and pigs. Catherine liked to look and point, but did NOT want those creatures near her! I am pretty sure Travis was trying to kiss the goat. And, it appears the goat was all too willing!

Once we got done on the cow train, we headed to the pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins. First up, three attempts to get a group shot of the girls. Um...yeah right! (the last one, I guess Catherine was leaving)

Next, each of the girls picked their baby pumpkin and together we all picked out a big one. It was fun...but let me tell you...I was good with probably the third one we saw. Travis, on the other hand, was de.ter.mined to find the "best pumpkin in the place". It was starting to get a little hot, especially carrying Catherine and leaning down every 5 seconds to pick up her baby pumpkin that she was dropping throwing on the ground. Finally...we found the Williamson Family Pumpkin 2010 (soon to be come the Williamson Family Jack'o Lantern 2010).

All in all, we had a pretty good time at the pumpkin patch and made some great new memories with the girls.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

You myyyyy Black-eyed Girl...

I am sure you have all been dying to know how the sweet bambino is since "the big fall".

Looking cute as ever! Not many can sport a black eye and still look adorable (and manage to drive her Mommy bonkers with all her climbing, jumping and diving!), but little Catherine Grace sure can!