Friday, March 30, 2012

"G" = Gus Gets Gum

So, our wildest "child" of the house award goes to....


We love this little guy and I thought I would share an update of the things that he does now.
  • He will play fetch as long as you can throw the ball.
  • During the day, he is gated in our laundry room with a doggie door out to the back yard.
  • While we are gone, he empties the laundry hamper and drags as many dirty clothes as he can get out to the back yard. (I have since closed the hamper up denying him access.)
  • Since he can not get to the dirty clothes, he will drag his huge dog bed thru the doggie door.
  • He loves the girls and plays with each of them differently. He is super gentle with Catherine and slathers her face with kisses. He stays calm with Hannah because she will have nothing to do with him when he is hyper. Gus's favorite thing to do with Emma is chase her and stand in the center of her bed while she is trying to make it in the morning.
  • No matter if we are gone for 5 minutes or 5 hours, the second we walk in the door, Gus greets us with a wagging tail, smile and lots of loving! Nothing is better than that!
  • Gus LOVES our trampoline. When we are playing outside, he gets on their with the girls. Sometimes, when we get home, we find him running around playing on there.

I am sure you are wondering why this post is titled "G=Gus Gets Gum", right? Well, I will tell you.

One day, we were all playing in Travis and I's bedroom. All of the girls had gum and one of them dropped their chewed gum on the bed (don't ask.). Gus ran over there and started chewing it. He kept dropping it, so I grabbed it and got it on video. IT'S HILARIOUS!

(Don't worry. We didn't let him swallow it and took it from him shortly after this video ended.)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Breakin' It

It's Thursday and here I am with our "weekend" update. (I am going to get on top of posting...promise!). So, let's rewind to last week, shall we?

Last Thursday night, my friends and I were finally able to get together for my birthday dinner. We ate at my favorite Mexican Restaurant and Rachel ordered me a sombrero birthday cake! We had so much fun relaxing and laughing the night away.

Friday, Travis and I were off work to enjoy a little Spring Break with the girls. We took them to Crystal Bridges Friday morning. It was rainy and dreary outside, so the perfect thing for us to enjoy together. Let me say, the place is amazing. The art is gorgeous and the architecture is breath-taking. The girls did very well and enjoyed themselves. Catherine got a little antsy at the end, so we had to rush through the last few rooms.

After that, we ate lunch and went to a movie. At home, it was STILL raining, so we decided to build a tent in the living room. The girls had fun hiding out in there, playing games and building their "club". Gus watched from his favorite spot and seemed a little confused on what was going on!

Saturday, the weather was sunny and warm! We went fishing with Travis. I caught the only fish of the day.

After fishing, we went home and soaked up the sun. Travis grilled burgers and jumped on the trampoline with the girls. We played with Gus and just enjoyed spring!

Sunday was our typical Sunday. Church. Naps. Getting Ready for the week.

Now...since I am a blog SLACKER...I need to say: Tuesday Travis and I celebrated our EIGHTH wedding anniversary! Time has flown and I can't imagine anyone else I would rather do life with. I love this man!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day fell on Saturday this year. We all dressed up in our green and headed to Kim's house for a fun night of dinner on the patio, yummy green treats and laughs with friends.

The last couple of times that we have gotten together with the Brown's, Catherine and Bree have started interacting a lot more. We have got trouble on our hands!

I love the comparison in the two pictures below. Catherine and Bree are mini Boni and Rachel!

Sunday, we went to church and I just love this picture of my girls in their Matilda Jane outfits. I am so glad spring is here!

Zac Brown Band

When I log into to blogger, it shows my stats at the top...including the date of my last post. MARCH 9TH!? What in the world! We've been busy since then and so I am going to post several updates.

For Christmas, my mom gave all the boys 2 tickets to the Zac Brown Band Concert in Little Rock. Luckily, they chose their spouses to go with them! :)

My parents were kind enough to also get us all hotel rooms right next to the venue. So, we were able to park our cars and walk every where.

Miss Ashley came and stayed with the girls over night Saturday night. Travis was SUPER nervous about it as this was the first time we have left them with anyone but family overnight. The girls had a BLAST and Miss Ashley was great with them. I am so thankful we have such a wonderful babysitter who loves our girls to the moon.

So, Saturday afternoon, Travis and I headed to Little Rock. When you have three chatty kids, its often nice to go on a little road trip without them. :) Travis and I listened to the Razorback baseball game, rode and talked (with NO fighting from the back seat!).

Saturday night, we went to dinner in the River Market at Big Whiskey. We always have fun with my parents, Jon and Nicole. After dinner, we headed to the concert.

We have all been to our fair share of concerts and everyone agreed that they put on one of the best concerts. Their opening acts left much to be desired, but Zac Brown Band got up there and rocked it out! I would go watch them again and if you have the opportunity, I would highly recommend going!

ON TO THE PICTURES! :) (All taken with our phones.)