Thursday, January 31, 2013

Oh You Know...

How 'bout a post full of random tidbits brought to you via the thoughts in my head?
  • At the end of the year last year, we were eating out 4-5 times a week....with a family of 5. It got EXPENSIVE! So, I've been trying to cook 6 times a week. So far, I've been successful, but I am running out of recipes. Anyone have some good ones?

  • I have been such a slacker lately taking pictures with my big camera. It's so convenient to grab my phone and snap a picture. But, I've decided that I am going to make a point to break out the big camera more often.

  • Speaking of big camera, I need to take a class to learn how to use it. I shoot in auto all the time. Any ideas?

  • The other day I had on red and blue. Catherine told me I was dressed like a boy because those are boy colors.

  • I have been keeping a "Bucket List" on my phone for a couple of months now. When I think of something else, I just add it in there. After church Sunday, I decided learning to play the bongos sounded like a must do for me.

  • I'm going to try to blog more about my "thoughts" on things. It could get a little political around here. Hope I don't offend you! (I'm sure it will be mostly funny...because you know...I am!)

  • The girls dance recital is fast approaching. I get giddy just thinking about it. I missed it last year and am DYING to see my dancing queens on stage!

  • This weekend, I am going on a girls trip to Kansas City. I absolutely CANNOT wait. I will miss my little family, but after the week I've had, I am in DESPERATE need of a girls trip. Shopping. Friends. Cocktails. Cupcakes. It's all good for the soul!

  • I know I've said this a million times, but I LOVE being a girl mom. Every day...I mean EVERY single day, I walk out of my room in the mornings after getting dressed and Emma says, "Oooo, Mommy! You look pretty!"

  • I have become a coffee drinker.

  • Travis and I are going to Vegas in May with my family. I am SUPER pumped. Travis...he's kind of indifferent about it. Weirdo!

  • Hannah is SUCH a planner like her Honey. She got up this morning and I told her to go eat breakfast first and she freaked out. She said she ALWAYS makes her bed first and she just needed to do it before she ate. Love my little dimpled OCD child!
So, that's about it for today. I am sure that was a thrilling blog post for you all! :) I'll be back Monday with a weekend recap: KC style!

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